Special thanks to our 2017 Open Your Heart Donors


Dallas Cowboys
John Apostolidis
Brad Berkley
Matt Bowman
Kari and Troy Brokl
Katie and David Burggraaf
Gregory L. Clark
John David Cousins
Jim Fite
James Hallam
Greg Harbour
Greg Hodder
Kristi Hopper
Andrew Jackson
Christin and Randy Johnson
Taylor Kern
Becky Kimbro
Monica L. King
Rex Kurzius
Michael Levitz
Shelby and Holand Lujan
Kelly McCarty
Vickie and Tim McMurray
Linda Overheu
Petey Parker
Andrew Peikon
Dawn Marie Peil
Dave Victor Pizzimenti
DJ Prohaska
Lori and Dave Randall
Austin B. Reed
Kevin Arthur Rupp
Scott Ryan
Michelle Salvatore
Holly Scarpinato
Rob Scolaro
Debbie J. Smith
Katie Stevens
Orlin Sudol
Thomas Sullivan
Janice Swenson
Cloyce Talbott
Dan M. Tran
Chris Trowbridge
Theresa and Edward Van Horne