Go Red for Women

Circle of Red

Circle of Red is a society of women who have the passion, the motivation and inspiration to drive and influence change in the community regarding heart health of women in their community and across the country. Circle of Red Women help support the mission of Go Red For Women® by making a personal financial commitment to the movement. Learn more at the event or Join Today!

Join Us

Make it your mission to become a part of the Circle of Red. Your support, influence and gift will make a tremendous impact in the lives of so many women. Please contact Ashley Lindsay at ashley.lindsay@heart.org or 214.441.4217 for more information on how you can join the Circle of Red.


2016 Circle of Red Co-Chairs


Rodd Newhouse 
Financial Advisor
Wells Fargo International 

Maria M. Schmitz
Senior Vice President, Private Banking

 2016 Circle of Red Members

Joe Alvarado

Glenn Anderson

Ellen Barker

Rhys Best

Donna Brittingham

Sarah Bryson

Laura Bush

Dr. Sheila Chhutani

Diane Childress

Dani Cook

Andrea Cowan

Delta Emerson

Andy Geisse

Jane Geisse

Bev Goulet

Monty Griffin

Ron Haddock

Sandi Haddock

Nasiba Hartland-Mackie

Martha Hawthorne

Mary Henderson

Judy Hendrick

David Johnston

Lori Johnston

Dr. Randall Kirby

Wayne Kirk

Marijke Lantz

Lori Lee

Mindy Loll

Gail McDonald

Lonnie McGowen

Heidi Means

Dena Miller

Donna Pankotai

Gail Peck

John Peloubet

Angela Perkins

Kathy Permenter

Margot Perot

Mindy Pfeil

Julie Piggott

Barbara Rabin

Stan Rabin

Virginia Rose-Harris

Brooke Sandelin

Chelby Sanders

Maria Schmitz

Shannon Sharp

Jan Sharry

Renee Shear

Barbara Smith

Mike Smith

Audrey Spangenberg

Deborah Stanford

Roger Staubach

Venise Stuart

Laura Swaney

Mike Terry

Anita Veach

Debra von Storch

Michelle Vopni

Dr. Jill Wade

John Walker

Tim Wallace

Jennifer Webb

Becca Weigman

Susan Wetzel

Darla Whitaker

Joseph Winkler

Dr. Kathy Wood
