YOUNG AT HEART is a social network of young professionals who support the American Heart Association (AHA) through fun events and volunteer opportunities. Young at Heart members are able to serve the mission of the AHA while building business and personal relationships through fun social networking events, year-round.
Membership Benefits
Young At Heart Member ($175)
Network of emerging leaders in the Dallas Region
Free attendance to all YAH Events:
- Executive Breakfasts (Fall and Spring)
- Cooking Events
- Young At Heart Ball (May 14, 2016)
- Wine Tasting Celebration
- All Social Events
Year-Round Service/Volunteer Opportunities
Leadership Opportunities
Joint Wine Society Membership ($275 with wine donation)
All YAH Membership Opportunities
Invitations to six (6) Society wine and/or culinary events
Invitation to three (3) Cotes du Coeur pre-parties
If you have any questions regarding your membership or upcoming events, please don't hesitate to contact us at youngatheartdallas@gmail.com